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(Members pay $37)

First Audition Ready Formula

An introductory Showbiz course which includes both vocal training and acting coaching taught by Stephen Horst.

Stephen has performed on Broadway, can be seen on Netflix, and has worked with a #1 Billboard Songwriter, Recording Artist, and Multi-Platinum producer in the Music Industry.

His TIYA clients have booked lead roles on Broadway, TV, Independent films, National commercials, become Social influencers, and both Music and Film Producers creating their own content.

Course Includes:

šŸŽ¤Master Your Voice:
Build, strengthen, and condition your voice with a concise, yet extremely effective introductory singing course.
Learn vocal health, breath control, tone, agility, range, and more

šŸŽ­Effortless Acting:
Explore monologues, script analysis, and Broadway acting the song.

šŸ˜¢Emotional connection: Versatile 4-step video series that promotes a seamless emotional connection.
Use real, flowing emotion to captivate your audience with any material.

šŸ“In-depth Script Analysis: Simple, yet advantageous techniques to break down scenes, understand character motivations, and deliver outstanding memorable, unique performances.

šŸŽ„ *Self Tape Like A Pro" --Learn lighting, framing, and sound techniques for professional self-tapes.

18 video lessons
10 exercises
6 worksheets
12 guide/backing vocal tracks
plus TIYA's Top 10 ear training apps checklist

First Audition Ready Formula

(Members pay $37)


Course Content

First Audition Ready Formula Welcome 1
Video 2 mins

An introductory Showbiz course which includes both vocal training and acting coaching.

Stephen's Tap Into Your Artistry (TIYA) client's have booked lead roles on Broadway, TV, Independent Films, National Commercials, become Social Influencers and both Music and Film Producers creating their own content.


Hi, Iā€™m Stephen Horst and welcome to The First Audition Ready Formula.

Over the next 30 days together we will be diving deep into both your
voice and emotions at the same time.ā€”so you can sing freely and create
compelling stories to nail your first audition and begin attracting

1. Sing with Stephen, Welcome
Video 6 mins

Master Your Voice as you Sing with Stephen learning some simple but highly effective vocal training and conditioning exercises.

2. Sing with Stephen, Hum 3 Blind Mice
Video 13 mins

Begin your first vocal exercise here, and remember to always record
yourself and refine your technique.

1 Stephen Guide Female Hum 3 Blind Mice

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide humming "3 blind mice."

1 Stephen Guide Hum 3 Blind Mice copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide humming "3 blind mice."

3. Sing with Stephen, Lip Roll
Video 13 mins

The key is to practice correctly and consistently.
Maintain a light, dopey sound.
Always release the voice and shape the tone.
Allow your voice to find you, and float the note.

2 Stephen Guide Female Lip Roll 3 Blind Mice copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide on the lip roll "3 blind mice."

2 Stephen Guide Male Lip Roll 3 Blind Mice copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide on the lip roll "3 blind mice."

4. Sing with Stephen, Ooo 3 Blind Mice
Video 16 mins

To begin your journey to vocal freedom you need a morning vocal warm-up and you must practice everyday, minimum 10 minutes, ideally 1 hour.

5 Stephen Guide Female Ooo 3 Blind Mice copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide singing Ooo on "3 blind mice." --like medicine for the voice.

5 Stephen Guide Male Ooo 3 Blind Mice copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide singing Ooo on "3 blind mice." --like medicine for the voice.

5. Sing with Stephen, Descending 5 Tone Scale
Video 17 mins

Tone quality and Vocal agility ā€”those are the 2 most important things.

You always want to stay on the breath and at the same time shave off the weight as you climb higher.

3 Stephen Guide Female Lip Roll Descending 5 Tone Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide on the lip roll descending 5 tone scale

3 Stephen Guide Male Lip Roll Descending 5 Tone Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide lip roll descending 5 tone scale

6. Sing with Stephen, M3
Video 12 mins

Your vocal timbre is rapidly transforming!

Remember the 80-20 rule...
Focus 80% on your technique and 20%, enjoy singing songs.

4 Stephen Guide Female Major 3rd Ooo copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide singing Ooo on the major 3rd, a tricky interval for the ear.

4 Stephen Guide Male Major 3rd Ooo copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide singing Ooo on the major 3rd, a tricky interval for the ear.

7. Sing with Stephen, Blues Hoot
Video 15 mins

The blues scale is lots of fun and a great workout for your ear!
Keep the sound light and dopey, remember ā€œHoot.ā€
The trigger word is: Mum.
When you sing remember to do so with the ease, attitude, and approach of a strong resonant hum.

6 Stephen Guide Female Hoot Mum 5 Tone Blues Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide singing Mum on the 5 tone blues scale -perfect for expanding range by releasing and flipping your voice over.

6 Stephen Guide Male Hoot Mum 5 Tone Blues Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide singing Mum on the 5 tone blues scale -perfect for expanding range by releasing and flipping your voice over.

8. Sing with Stephen Blues Scale Mix
Video 16 mins

Now we come full circle.

We are attacking into our Mask, making the nose itch and eyes buzz.

The voice is in the nose, but the nose is not in the voice.

7 Stephen Guide Female Mix Mum 5 Tone Blues Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's female vocal guide on Mum 5 tone blues scale -perfect for building your Mix, a great workout for the ear, and fun!

7 Stephen Guide Male Mix Mum 5 Tone Blues Scale copy

A daily vocal training MP3 with Stephen's male vocal guide on Mum 5 tone blues scale" -perfect for building your Mix, a great workout for the ear, and fun!

8 Female AEIOU Bonus copy

A bonus MP3, working on all your vowels. Stephen leads the way, you take over!

8 Male AEIOU Week 1 Bonus copy

A bonus MP3, working on all your vowels. Stephen leads the way, you take over!

Female 3 Blind Mice Instrumental copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the female 3 blind mice to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Male 3 Blind Mice copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the male 3 blind mice to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Female Descending 5 Tone Scale copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the female descending 5 tone scale to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Male Descending 5 Tone Scale copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the male descending 5 tone scale to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Female Major 3rd Ooo copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the female major 3rd for to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Male Major 3rd Ooo copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the male major 3rd for to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Female Blues 5 tone scale copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the female Blues 5 tone scale to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Male Blues 5 tone scale copy

An instrumental track (no guide) on the male Blues 5 tone scale to build, strengthen, and condition your voice.

Master Your Voice Outline

In this Module you will learn about some TIYA tools and concepts

Vocal health and care
Importance of sleep, ease, and relaxation
Lip Roll
Daily Practice, 15-20 min every day
Tone quality and Vocal agility
4 guide tracks

Ear Training Apps list

Tap Into Your Artistry's top 10 Ear Training apps checklist

1 Effortless Acting
Video 3 mins

Find a monologue that is under 2 minutes from either a theatrical play or TV/Film scene.

Choose something that resonates deeply with you.

It should be a character you can relate to and see yourself playing.
You should be comfortable with the themes, language, and style.

2 Effortless Acting simple script analysis
Video 15 mins

Script analysis is all about paying attention to every detail in order to serve the writerā€™s intention.

Once you understand the intention then you must infuse your personality, imagination, and life experiences into the character and the scene.

3 Effortless Acting How to memorize
Video 10 mins

There are numerous ways to memorize.

The one that almost all beginning actors choose is rote memorization.
However, this is a mistake.

What happens is you end up memorizing how you say the lines but you donā€™t really know the lines and you are not malleable.

1 Effortless Acting Worksheet

1. My monologue is: __________________________________________
2. It is from: __________________________________________________
3. Written by: _________________________________________________
4. The style, tone and genre is:

2. Effortless Acting Outline

Find a monologue that is under 2 minutes from either a theatrical play or
TV/Film scene. Choose something that resonates deeply with you. It
should be a character you can relate to and see yourself playing. You
should be comfortable with the themes, language, and style. If the
monologue is from a play, please read the entire play. If it is from a TV
show or Film, feel free to find the script online or even transcribe it, but a
word of warningā€”do not just copy what you saw the actor do. It wonā€™t

1 Fast Emotional Connection explanation copy
Video 5 mins

To connect quickly with flowing emotion to any material you must be prepared first.
That means, for a monologue you are off book.

For a Broadway musical theatre song, you can hit all the notes easily and you treat it as a monologue.

For a demo in the Music Industry, you have found your ā€œsoundā€ as an artist, it is conversational, natural, spoken, emotive, full of vibe, and you have very strong musicianship.

Flowing emotion is not the same as emoting.

2 Fast Emotional Connection copy
Video 10 mins

So now, letā€™s take a look at a pro doing exactly this.

Letā€™s watch a Video Breakdown of Anna Kendrick performing ā€œStill Hurtingā€ in the film version of ā€œThe Last 5 years.ā€


Fast Emotional Connection Worksheet

Here are 8 exercises to help you find Fast Emotional Connection.
You need to warm-up!

1) First, read your monologue to yourself right off the page, even though
you now have it memorized, pretend you donā€™t. We are just getting the
lines fresh in your brain/body.

Be sure to pay attention to all punctuation, thoughts, images and keep
trying to find new things in order to serve the writerā€™s intention.

Flowing Emotion Outline pdf

To connect quickly with flowing emotion to any material
you must be prepared first.
That means, for a monologue you are off book.
For a Broadway musical theatre song, you can hit all the
notes easily and you treat it as a monologue.
For a demo in the Music Industry, you have found your
ā€œsoundā€ as an artist, it is conversational, natural, spoken,
emotive, full of vibe, and you have very strong
Flowing emotion is not the same as emoting.

1 Self Tape Like A Pro
Video 4 mins

A self-tape means you film your own audition.

You need good lighting, sound, a simple background, and a strong scene partner (reader).

2 Self Tape Like a Pro let's watch This Is Us
Video 3 mins

A few things to noteā€¦

1) Usually in a self tape, you are going to have a scene, not just a monologue, and more of an exchange of lines back and forth. I did this because we can kill two birds with one stone.

You can see an example of a professional self tape and also I want you to start looking for the TIYA concepts weā€™ve been exploring ā€”like flowing emotion and truth and spontaneity in the performance.

3 This Is Us Monlogue self tape copy
Video 3 mins

Here is a self-tape I made of Kevinā€™s monologue from This Is Us.

Self Tape Outline pdf


A self-tape means you film your own audition.
You need good lighting, sound, a simple background, and
a strong scene partner (reader).

First Audition Ready Formula Webinar Invite hi res
Video 2 mins

If you would like to learn more about how TIYA can
continue to help you sing, act, and perform like a pro to
rapidly transform your life and fast track your Showbiz

Be sure to sign up for your FREE 1.5 hour Webinar,

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