Frequently asked questions for Professional Members.
If you are not yet a member you might find your answer on the non members FAQs.
Q. Can I Book Readers In Advance?
WeAudition is “Uber for actors”. There are readers available 24/7, 7 days a week around the world. Prepare your scene and if you need coaching, or when you are ready to tape book someone who is available. Some actors advertise their contact details if you want to arrange a time to meet.
Q. How Do I Cancel My WeAudition Subscription?
We don’t want to see you leave the community, but if you are looking to unsubscribe here is how:
Go to ‘My Subscription‘ and you will details on how to cancel for your specific account. It is much quicker for you to use the website or app to do this as we can’t cancel some subscription types our end.
- CARD: If you pay with a credit card you will be given a big clear red button which will automatically cancel your pro membership. You will keep access until the end of your current membership term. When your membership finishes, you will keep your login details and your profile will only display basic information for casting. You can re-subscribe at a later date.
- APPLE: If you joined via apple subscriptions using your iOS device you need to cancel with Apple. The easiest way is to touch the ‘settings’ app, touch your picture, then ”Subscriptions’. You will see a list of your apple subscription there. If you unsubscribe you will have full access until the end of the current period.
- PAYPAL: If you joined via PayPal (Prior to November 2019) The easiest way is to log into PayPal and cancel the subscription there. When your subscription term ends your profile will just show basic information to casting and you will loose pro access. You can still log into the website or all and re-subscribe but you will need to use a card, or use apple subscriptions.
Q. I Have Not Been Paid For My Read
First step is to use the follow up tool to send a message via WeAudition that includes a PayPal payment link. This is on your dashboard and ‘Previous Payments’.
If you have sent a reminder and waited a reasonable amount of time please contact us and we will do our best to follow up the payment.
Q. Are Readers Free?
Some read for experience and do not charge. Most readers ask for a tip, or set an up front free for an amount of time. You agree to pay this when you hire them.
Q. How Long Do I Hire A Reader For?
Choose an initial time period: 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour minutes then you can extend this time if both of you agree. There is an easy interface that you both request and agree an extension.
How Much Do Readers Earn?
Earning potential depends on a number of factors. Readers are booked when their beacon is on. Some readers earn $1,000s a month. We sometimes publish lists of anonymously of top reader earnings so keep an eye on our socials. Generally top readers earn a few hundred dollars a week. Some more. WeAudition does not take a commission. You get paid directly.
How Do I Get Paid?
You get paid directly. WeAudition does not take a cut or commission. We prefer you use PayPal as the website servers update us when you are paid, so that we can mark the rehearsal as complete. You can also use a cash app such as Vemno. When this happens you (as a reader) or the the actor marks a rehearsal as ‘paid’ manually when you receive funds.
Q. How Do I Become A WeAudition MVP?
MVPs are chosen from our top members and receive extra exposure on the casting side of the website to Casting Directors, access to new features sooner, expedited support, and special access to a support group. As you will have seen, we also encourage new users to rehearse with an MVP as their first read. Reading over 100 times with someone, or booking over 100 readers is the first step, plus promoting us and shouting about the brand doesn’t do any harm.
Q. How Do I Get Invited To A Members House
If your career is taking off and you feel you are ready to join us in a house at a festival please make yourself known to the WeAudition team. Generally this means having at least one recurring character on TV credit or mainstream lead film credit under your belt, a professional agent & manager and an aspiration to level up.
Q. Are Members Houses Free Or Can I Pay To Join?
Sometimes WeAudition houses are sponsored and supported by WeAudition and invite only. Sometimes we have some places available at a subsidised rate for members. We always deliver substantially more value than the price.
Q. Are Events Just For Members?
Members are all invited, but please do invite along actor friends who are not yet members. WeAudition is all about helping each other succeed and community is at our core. Events are free. Please keep an eye on our socials for more information.