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(Members pay $39)

Self Tape Setup

Hey actors! In this video series I'm going to show you how to rock your self tape setup at home.

I will show you GOOD, BETTER and BEST options for your self tape setup that will fit different budgets or restrictions that you might have in your home or where you set up your space.

For all three of these setups, a bare rectangular room inside my home. The room is lit by four overhead can lights, the walls are parallel, there are no windows, and there's very little natural light creeping in from the doorways. It also has a hardwood floor - all of this undesirable for a taping room, but that's why I chose this room for these videos.

By demonstrating in such a challenging space like this, it will address the most common problems that you will encounter when setting up at home.

Join me and lets jump in!

Self Tape Setup

(Members pay $39)


Course Content

Intro to Get Set Up!
Video 2 mins

A quick intro to this course, which is broken up into the three categories of Good, Better, and Best. We show the sample room at our home that we will use for all these setups.

Throughout this course, there are not only demonstrations of the concepts presented, but also links to products and supplemental information to deepen your knowledge and empower you to ROCK your self-tape setup at home.

Inventory List: GOOD
Video 2 mins

This video will show you everything you need to achieve the "GOOD" setup. HINT: it may not cost you anything!

Be sure to check the Inventory List (next) for product ideas and links.

Inventory List: GOOD (PDF)

This PDF shows all the equipment you might decide to purchase in order to mimic the GOOD setup. It includes Amazon affiliate links* for your convenience. Prices fluctuate with the products shown, so please shop around to find the best price for you.

*Amazon affiliate links will give us a commission if you click through and purchase. You are not charged more, however. We merely take some of their profits.

Placing Your Mark
Video 25 secs

Placing your mark has implications for lighting and framing, so don't skip this video!

Lighting on a Budget
Video 5 mins

Good lighting is absolutely necessary for any self-tape setup! Watch to learn more, and then check out the supplement (next) for more info.

Supplement -2 Point Lighting (PDF)

A supplement to deepen your understanding of basic lighting principles.

Camera/Tripod Tips
Video 4 mins

Notice that at the 3x Zoom setting, the skin tone looks smoother. It doesn't look as "HD" in terms of highlighting blemishes, skin color inconsistencies, etc.
Also note that all the footage in the above video is shot with the same camera. So, if you're wondering why the footage in the taping room looks "warmer" than the footage in the room with Kermit in the background, it's because in the opening/closing shots I'm using a ring light with a blue hue (we'll introduce ring lights in the BETTER videos), and in the dining room I'm using lamps that have bulbs with a more orange-ish hue.

Sound (Don't Skip!)
Video 3 mins

Sound is the least understood topic, but will disproportionately make your audition "look" better. These tips will cost you NOTHING in extra equipment.

Sound Supplement-Good (PDF)

Here is some extra background to help with understanding sound.

Video 50 secs

You don't need to spend money just yet, but you do need to be intentional about the background of your audition.

Corollary on your Camera
Video 44 secs

BEWARE! If you're using a cellphone to shoot your auditions, you may have run into this problem. Namely, the coloring or brightness/contrast seems to change at the start of your takes. This is common, and we give a quick solution.

The alternative is to LOCK AE/AF (Auto Exposure/Auto Focus) on your smart phone. If you need help on how to lock focus and exposure, here is a quick tutorial for iPhone: https://youtu.be/7hB1JhmTg6o?t=141

Sorry Android users, I couldn't find a good video so you'll need to search your specific model camera for help, but it shouldn't be terribly different than the iPhone.

Conclusion to GOOD Setup
Video 37 secs

Congrats! You have a setup that will be acceptable for all your home self-taped auditions. If you're ready to level up, though, keep watching!

Intro to BETTER Setup
Video 42 secs

Now we start spending a little money, but it will be well worth the gains you see in your videos.

Inventory List: BETTER
Video 2 mins

This video will show you everything you need to achieve the "BETTER" setup.

Be sure to check the Inventory List (next) for product ideas and links.

Inventory List: BETTER (PDF)

This PDF shows all the equipment you might decide to purchase in order to mimic the BETTER setup. It includes Amazon affiliate links* for your convenience. Prices fluctuate with the products shown, so please shop around to find the best price for you.

*Amazon affiliate links will give us a commission if you click through and purchase. You are not charged more, however. We merely take some of their profits.

Backdrop: Get a Dedicated Option
Video 2 mins

It's time to add a dedicated backdrop to your taping space. In this video, we use a photographer's backdrop that has texture. Most CASTING DIRECTORS specify "solid, neutral backdrop" in their taping instructions, but the pattern in this backdrop will NOT get you into trouble. When they say "solid", they really mean "do not have a brick wall behind you, or paintings on the wall, a fireplace, window to the outside, etc."

Lighting: Get Upgraded
Video 5 mins

If necessary, review the 2-point lighting from the "GOOD" lighting lesson to understand where to place your ring lights relative to you and relative to your camera.

Notice that when both ring lights are on in the above video, they are at or slightly below eye level, causing noticeable "up lighting". This is great for those news reporter auditions, but for most TV/Film (and even commercial) auditions, it's better to get those lights slightly ABOVE eye level for a more natural look.

Here is a link to Kurt Yue's Ring Light Hack on YouTube: https://youtu.be/onRg1_Nb0og

Camera/Tripod: A Few Tips
Video 2 mins

We're still using a smartphone camera, but we're getting a little more advanced with the setup.

Sound: More Tips to Quiet that Room
Video 3 mins

We go deeper with room acoustics, and to learn more be sure to check out the supplement (next).

Sound Supplement-BETTER (PDF)

Learn even more about room acoustics and how to improv your setup.

Conclusion to BETTER Setup
Video 44 secs

Feeling satisfied! If so, you can stop here. If not, continue on...

Intro to BEST Setup
Video 36 secs

Alright! You're ready to invest whatever it takes to make your home studio as professional as possible.

Inventory List: BEST
Video 59 secs

This video will show you everything you need to achieve the "BEST" setup.

Be sure to check the Inventory List (next) for product ideas and links.

Inventory List: BEST (PDF)

This PDF shows all the equipment you might decide to purchase in order to mimic the BEST setup. It includes Amazon affiliate links* for your convenience. Prices fluctuate with the products shown, so please shop around to find the best price for you.

*Amazon affiliate links will give us a commission if you click through and purchase. You are not charged more, however. We merely take some of their profits.

Tripod: Get Fluid!
Video 3 mins

A fluid-head tripod is the next upgrade for the BEST setup. While it won't provide much advantage while recording, you'll see the benefits when trying to zoom out during that slate, or when you're adjust the frame between scenes.

Camera: Time to Upgrade!
Video 3 mins

The smartphone is such a great solution for most setups (and for traveling), but if you truly want to upgrade your setup, you should look into a prosumer camcorder, DSLR, or any other camera that you're willing to learn how to use.

Lighting: Get Professional!
Video 5 mins

Now that we're getting more advanced with lighting, it's time to learn about 3-point lighting. It builds off of 2-point lighting (covered in the "GOOD" lighting lesson) by adding a 3rd light BEHIND and ABOVE the actor. See the next lesson for additional graphics on placement of lights.

Supplement : 3-Point Lighting (PDF)

Up your game with 3-point lighting!

Backdrop for BEST
Video 51 secs

A few notes on upping your backdrop game.

Sound: Get Mic'ed Up!
Video 4 mins

Ok, it's time to ditch that on-camera mic, and invest in an external mic (or two!)

Sound: Room Acoustics
Video 6 mins

A few advanced notes for making your taping space as inviting as possible.

BONUS: Tips on Readers!
Video 6 mins

A bonus video addressing the all-important reader. Let's talk about volume, eye lines, and performance (yes, it matters).

Video 1 mins

Thanks for watching!

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