Profiles Matching: character:action

Welcome! Thanks for tapping in I'm Tyren, a working Actor and Performance Artist based out of Cincinnati. I'm fascinated about performance and the intangibles that make up a successful experience for both the performer and the audience. It's this appreciation I have for the human experienc...

100% character:action look:adaptable adaptive accent:african american look:african american nativeaccent:american character:artist artsy character:assassin physical:athletic near:atlanta authentic aware character:baseball player character:basketball player character:blue collar character:businessman look:calm near:canada caring look:chaotic near:chicago local:cincinnati clever near:clevland character:coldhearted near:colombus color look:cool creative character:creator character:criminal cultured cunning character:cunning skills:dancing look:dark physical:dark character:debt collector character:designer near:detroit character:dj skills:dj character:doctor drive character:driver skills:editing empathetic energetic language:english nativeaccent:english expressive extensive physical:facial hair skills:fashion character:father character:fighter character:football player character:gladiator goofy grand great look:hansome hardworking heartfelt skills:heights character:hero honest near:houston near:indiana character:irresponsible near:kentucky character:killer lively character:lover character:lover loving look:male character:mastermind character:mental illness character:military mindful physical:muscular character:narcissistic character:nerd near:new mexico near:new york character:older brother organic passionate skills:photography physical physical:physical character:politian character:psychopath character:rapper skills:rapping resourceful character:scientist accent:shakespearian physical:short hair skills:skating smart accent:southern character:sports skills:stunts character:survivor physical:tall near:tennessee accent:texan truthful accent:urban skills:video game character:video gamer skills:videography character:villain warm accent:western character:white collar wholesome skills:writing look:young skills:yoyo

Hi, I can help you run lines or feature on your self tapes. I’ve done acting training at different schools and classes in London including RADA and the Unseen and have coached in presenting.

character:accents character:action character:agent character:anxious character:attitude near:berkshire character:bi lingual accent:birmingham skills:boat driving character:boss nativeaccent:british brunette look:brunette physical:brunette character:caring look:caucasian character:clumsy character:cold character:comedic character:comedy skills:comedy character:corporate character:crazy character:crying character:detached character:divine feminine character:drama skills:driving english look:english nativeaccent:english look:european character:femme fatale character:fierce character:fighting look:freckles physical:freckles character:free spirit accent:french language:french character:friend character:funny character:gay character:girlfriend character:heavy near:hertfordshire character:high society character:high vibe character:hippy look:hippy skills:improv intelligent look:intense accent:irish look:irish skills:jazz skills:journalism character:journalist character:lawyer skills:legal character:light accent:liverpool local:london look:long hair physical:long hair skills:meditation teacher character:mob character:motherly character:news reader skills:news reading character:nurturing character:ocd near:oxfordshire look:pale character:period look:posh nativeaccent:posh character:positive character:presenter skills:presenting character:psychologist skills:public speaking skills:receptionist character:rich character:running character:sad character:secret service character:serious character:singer skills:singing slim physical:slim accent:spanish nativeaccent:surrey near:sussex character:teacher character:traumatised character:traveller visa:uk character:villain look:warm character:warrior nativeaccent:warwickshire near:warwickshire skills:watercrafts character:wealthy look:white character:wife skills:yacht crew skills:yoga teacher

Hey! You. Yes you. I've been in your shoes. Scrambling for a reader because your other actor friends are too busy, and your housemate/ partner is well meaning, but has the emotional feedback of a box of dry cereal. I'm here to help! Aside from being an actor, I'm a specialised movem...

Hello Everyone! I love this platform and look forward to being a part of and contributing to a community that helps fellow artists thrive, succeed, grow and BOOK WORK! I’m a very experienced actor who has performed in numerous Broadway Shows, National Tours, tons of Regional Theatre as well as TV...