Megan Zerga
I truly want you to get those callbacks and bookings so my goal is to create an environment where you feel comfortable and supported to play around and find yourself in your characters whether you just need me to read or want to get more in depth. I hope to work with you soon!
Feel free to reach out via IG (@meganzerga) or email ( to set something up if my beacon is off :) I am in CA so when suggesting times please suggest in PST. Thank you.
Venmo preferred, as PayPal takes out fees: @meganzerga
Award winning comedic actress. UC San Diego graduate. Theater and Linguistics Minor, she is extensively skilled in accents including BRITISH, RUSSIAN, SOUTHERN, FRENCH, BELGIAN, IRISH, and NY.
Founder of Feeling Lucky Films and an advocate for gender parity, seeks to produce films and theatrical events with at least 50% female/NB identifying casts & crews.
Easy laugh and smile. As comfortable on the set of Schitt’s Creek as she would be on The Handmaid’s Tale. Series Regular and Guest Star Roles on Network Television & New Media . Her lead role in the dramatic thriller Admana was the TOP RATED film on The Digital Ticket.
Award winning comedic actress. UC San Diego graduate. Theater and Linguistics Minor, she is extensively skilled in accents including BRITISH, RUSSIAN, SOUTHERN, FRENCH, BELGIAN, IRISH, and NY. She is the Founder of Feeling Lucky Films, a filmmakers community committed to producing one film every month. As an advocate for gender parity, she seeks to produce films and theatrical events with at least 50% female casts & crews. Easy laugh and smile. As comfortable on the set of Schitt’s Creek as she would be on The Handmaid’s Tale. Series Regular and Guest Star Roles on Network Television and New Media. Her lead role in the dramatic thriller Admana was the TOP RATED film on The Digital Ticket. LOCATED IN LOS ANGELES. LOCAL HIRE IN SAN FRANCISCO.