Heather Gibson

Heather G. here! Actor based in New York and I'm here to help my frienddsss...AKA, You! Well balanced in theatre, tv, film and commercials. Guest stars, co-stars and alotta theatre under my belt!

Need to run some lines? I gotcha!
Need to rehearse? I Gotchuuuu
Need a reader to audition? Yep, I gotcha!

IG: mylifeasheatherg - LETS GET IT POPPIN'
Website: www.heatheragibson.com

Heather G. here! Professional actor (SAG/AEA) in the NYC area! I love what I do and love helping other actors through empowerment/motivation, coaching and creating notebooks specialized for us!

Some guest stars, co-stars, a lot of theatre under my belt,; but nothing beats being in a community of actors who are all dopppeeee!

IG: mylifeasheatherg

DDO Artists Agency-KaCee Hudson, Anthony Boyer, Gina Manfredi and Candace Stewart Center Stage Management- Christopher Silveri

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Reader Fees $USD

Credits Include

2022 [added]
All The Queens Men
Guest Star
2021 [IMDB]
Chicago Fire
TV Series
2020 [IMDB]
A Killer Conversation
2019 [IMDB]
TV Series