Caitlin Hutson
Hi there! I am an LA based actress and motion capture performer. I currently train scene study at The Last Acting Studio with Desean Terry and Behzad Dabu. I am an avid reader and English nerd, so speaking dialogue (even lines with unique, sci-fi/techy jargon) with little preparation comes very naturally to me. I am happy to help with script analysis, defining words, and much more!
My other training includes Meisner, Chekhov, commercial acting, audition technique, and Shakespeare.
When not hanging out on WeAudition or working on other acting stuff, I like to train martial arts, watch anime, and go to the dog park with my rescue pit-mix.
Hi there! I am an LA based actress and motion capture performer. I currently train scene study at The Last Acting Studio with Desean Terry and Behzad Dabu. I am an avid reader and English nerd, so speaking dialogue (even lines with unique, sci-fi/techy jargon) with little preparation comes very naturally to me. I am happy to help with script analysis, defining words, and much more!
My other training includes Meisner, Chekhov, commercial acting, audition technique, and Shakespeare.
When not hanging out on WeAudition or working on other acting stuff, I like to train martial arts, watch anime, and go to the dog park with my rescue pit-mix.