Profiles Matching: fiesty

Hello! My name is Naomi 😊 I'm from and based in London, UK. I have quite a bit of experience with cold reading, line-learning and self-tapes being a professional actor myself. Therefore I’d love to help anybody who needs a partner to read lines, whether it be for an audition, self-tape or...

Hello, I'm Requell! I'm based in Vancouver, BC and have been working in the industry for over 8 years. I've trained with amazing teachers and have worked with some incredible performers over the years. I have about 4 years of teaching and coaching experience. I taught at an acting school in Vanc...


Standard American accentNatural British accentStandard British accentStandard AmericanAmerican accentScottish accentIrish accentIndian accentaccentsforensic investigatorforensicscriminologycriminologistscientistagentpoliceinvestigatoranalysttechniciandoctornursepatientvillainteacherwifebest friendlovergirlfriendauthentichonestapproachablevulnerablesweetkindmanipulativesassysexyseductivemysteriousassertivepowerfulstrong femaleconfidentcharismaticpresenceintelligentquirkycomediccomedysarcasticwittybanterimprovimprovisertakes directiondirectablehumorsubtlecomplexIndianSouth Asianethnically ambiguousethnicdiversediversityIslanderFijiEast Indianmixed-racebrowncharmingfirst aidparamedicofficersecurity officergaming officerbouncerpatronassassingang member girlfriendaspirationalrelatabledarkmoodycomplexrawopenastuteno-nonsensedirectbattle-axeanal retentivepsychologistpsychiatristFBIRCMPactionsingguitarknitsewoil paintpainterartistmusiciandrivecookchefbakerbakeswimhikekickboxboxheroineleading ladyactressyogamacramehot yogareal estate agentrealtorpharmacistgynecologistobstetricianparamediccoppoliceguardsecurity guardreporternews anchornewscasternews readervoice overnarrationnarratoroverdubbingdubbingADRbossboss ladyexecutivefemale executivepower hungryfieryfiestyDesperate HousewivesStepford Wivescunningslynemesiscalculatingdetectivesurvivorresilientmummothermomcommercialyoga mumPTAlovinghappysupportivesupportive wifefriendloverlivelyengagingbig smilebig eyeshigh cheekbonesbrown eyesblack hairlong haircurvyfeminineathleticpetitewide eyednaiveseen-it-allhauntedlife experienceexperiencedcoronermedicalpathologistmiddle classhigh classrefinedrefined featuresclassyelegantupper classculturedEuropeanMiddle EastMiddle EasternPersiandominatrixmadammistressseductressseducemischiefimpishplayfultemptresswell manneredpublic servicegrittylong dark hairworldlyjadedcynicalrealistgroundedearthyguardedenergeticlivelyyouthfulgo-getterperfectionistworkaholicexecutiveCEOartisticcreativeoffice workersecretaryassistantaidepoliticiancampaignerlawyerattorneydefence attorneycounselcounsellorprosecutorDAADAlegal assistantsupport workermixed ethnicitydark skinbrown skingang girlfriendleaderin chargePIprivate investigatorcontrolledaccent:standard americanaccent:irishaccent:scottishnativeaccent:nativeaccent:englishnativeaccent:britishnativeaccent:rp

I've been working in the industry for over 20 years, with experience in TV, Short Film and Theatre and am very confident with cold reading at short notice. With experience of Dialect coaching in top London drama schools, I am also happy to help you prepare for an important casting/audition, with...

Hey, I'm Mariana! I've been acting for over 10 years and also produce my own projects. I speak Portuguese, Spanish and Italian fluently in case your sides require any of those.☺️ I am an experienced reader that has helped/taped a lot of actors in person as well as virtually. I would love...

I LOVE supporting my fellow actors! My #1 goal is getting you booked!! I am a lawyer with my own firm in Boise, ID while working simultaneously on my acting career. Drawing dragons, representing injured people in Court and dressing up in costumes are a few of my favorite things. At present,...

Cynda Has been acting for the majority of her life. She was a Theater major at Ball State University. She has also coached people of many ages. Cynda started her professional career many movies ago with Spike Lee's MO' BETTER BLUES and Carl Franklin's critically acclaimed ONE FALSE MOVE. Cynda h...