Profiles Matching: dutch

Hi there, I'm an actrice based in Antwerp, Belgium. Education wise I've done one year in drama school when i was younger and from then on I've participated in acting workshops. I have experience in Theater since the early age of 12 and film since my teens and always done speaking roles...

Claire De Boer is an actress, known for Ransom (2017), Erwassus (1997) and Our Little Haven (2017).

Hey there! I am a Dutch actress living in London. I love what WeAudition is doing and I would love to help you with your lines, be your reader or just give some thoughts on the scene/character. Languages: English/Dutch/German Accents: English Standard, American Standard, Dutch, German. ...

I am an actor and drama coach, experienced in assisting at auditions and coaching auditionees. I am here to support and help bring out the best in you. I am passionate about offering my complete focus so that you can feel free, playful and at ease at your audition. I have successfully coached man...

Hi fellow actors! I’m Mariella Kaveo and I am an actress and filmmaker. I grew up in the Netherlands with a Dutch dad and Spanish mother and I was raised trilingual (Dutch, English & Spanish). A couple of years ago I moved to Los Angeles to study Acting. Since then I'm still taking ongoing tr...

Jul Kohler was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. A performer since childhood, her work spans the globe and includes acting in film&TV, stunts, musicals, voiceovers and dancing for Katy Perry, Rihanna, and Lou Bega. Besides acting, she also has a love for writing and creating meaningful stories...

I’m training for stunts: martial arts/ stage combat, sword fighting, horse riding, race driving. Originally a singer songwriter and producer. I compose music for film and I do voiceover. Just ping me a message for more info. @marshallmusic55

New York City-based, Belgian-born film, tv & stage actor, Will Van Moss has been acting professionally since the ripe old age of 11. He is well-known for the depth he brings to any character and his immense repertoire of languages and accents. Will is fluent in English, Dutch, French, Italian and...

WELCOME! I'M MERRICK STAR I’m an experienced actor, performer, and influencer with over 80,000 followers on social media. My mission is to empower actors, elevate performances, and create a lasting impact on the world through the transformative power of storytelling and the arts. I bring uniqu...


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"Need an giving reader who loves to dive into a scene? Let's make it happen!" Hi, I'm Sara, a Belgian actress, and an animal love currently studying music. I bring a dynamic mix of creativity, focus, and fun to every session. Whether it's experimenting with new choices or nailing that perfect ...

Hi! I was born in Drenthe, The Netherlands, and am a graduate of the ArtEZ University of the Arts and the Stella Adler Studio in New York. In 2016, I moved from Amsterdam to New York City. You can catch me in a number of American TV shows and films such as FBI International, Evil, and Walker; t...

Hi there! Do you need a partner to prepare for an audition or to shoot a self-tape? I am more than happy to help you out! Let's connect and take the time you need. We can go through and repeat the script until you feel that you're ready for your audition! I am a working actor, have been tr...

Actor with international experience in movies, TV-series and commercials. I speak five languages fluently: EN / NL / DE / ES / FR