Profiles Matching: Deep-voice

Hey! My name is Horacio Abaroa :) I am a Mexico City born, Miami & Texas raised Actor. I am fluent in Spanish and English and would love to help you book your next role! I have studied at UCB, Margie Haber, Berg Studios and Marjorie Ballantine Studio. I am known for my role as Pablo on Blindspo...

Hi there! I'm Malcolm Berman, an actor based out of Atlanta. I know how frustrating it can be finding the right reader for your scene. That's why I want to help others with theirs. I have a deeper voice that's very versatile. I'm also happy to provide my own feedback and suggestions for your s...

BIOGRAPHY Ade was trained in screen acting by the highly regarded Yorkshire Academy of Film and Television Acting (YAFTA), during his education he found his niche for roles of high status and a preference for Laban and Stanislavski techniques to bring the characters closer to himself. At 6'3" an...

I'm a trained for Stage/Screen acting and have recently diversified into Voiceover work. Based in North West England, I bring a distinct tone and gravitas to a scene with his deep engaging voice. I also work as a drama teacher so am a capable director. At the moment due to Covid-19 I am happy ...

Hi. I'd love to help you practice, rehearse, or audition for your next part, or get that killer self-tape done 😊. I am an actor and voice talent. I am flexible and reliable. Based on the East coast, early mornings or late nights are not an issue. If you want, I can offer constructive notes on ...

An aspiring actor new to the Los Angeles area recently moved from Boston this past fall. Since the pandemic is in full swing and most auditions are done via Zoom self-read, this application is very useful.

Hi! I am excited to get you the best and most natural self-tape auditions for any role you are looking to land. Or if you just need someone to rehearse with, or get the lines down, then I'm your guy! For me, what's most important is that you feel comfortable to play, because when we are fr...


actorcomedydramamovieseriesseries regularleading manleadsupportinglove interestfilmshort filmbest friendblack actorpocyouthbipocbrothersonhigh schoolstudentcollegecollege studentboy next door1980s1990s20'senergeticbritishdeep voicehappysadangrygeekgeeknerdjockathleticteenbasketballvolleyballrom comactionperiod pieceshakespearestrong actoracting chopscharacter:nerdcharacter:jockcharacter:popularcharacter:teencharacter:troubled youthcharacter:young professionalcharacter:20scharacter:collegecharacter:college gradcharacter:college kidcharacter:young mancharacter:boy next doorcharacter:innocent kidcharacter:dreamercharacter:optimistcharacter:naivecharacter:inexperiencedcharacter:know it allcharacter:love interestcharacter:troubled teencharacter:soncharacter:brothercharacter:cousincharacter:bullycharacter:rich snobcharacter:athletecharacter:happy go luckycharacter:down to earthcharacter:volleyball playercharacter:basketball playercharacter:bowlerlocal:austinlocal:txlook:african americanlook:blacklook:manlook:teenlook:younglook:30'slook:30slook:20'slook:20slook:20yolook:30yolook:20y/olook:30y/olook:boy next doorlook:sweetlook:kindlook:smilelook:studentlook:nerdlook:attractivelook:athletelook:best friendlook:leading manlook:lead manlook:leadnear:southeast austinnear:dallasnear:houstonnear:san antoniophysical:blackphysical:flat topskills:bowlingskills:runningskills:basketballskills:swimmingskills:basic sword combatskills:basic stage combatskills:basic stunt workvisa:united states

I love that we can connect with other talents all through the world! Studying with Ivana Chubbuck for the past 2 years coaching and audition with my friends I’m pretty solid with it! Helped friend book awesome gigs and ready to never give up on you I take my time taping and if willing I’ll give s...

Hey Actors! I’m Maurice, an actor, teacher, and self-tape coach with years of experience helping actors nail their auditions. I’ve taught at NYU Tisch School of Drama, Rutgers University - Mason Gross School of The Arts (Meisner Technique), directed productions in New York and Atlanta, and work...

I am an Atlanta based actor, with a BA in theatre and Performance Studies, who specializes in Hagen technique. I have also studied Stanislavsky, Meisner, Hiller, and Linklater. With a lifetime of acting experience I have discovered and developed many of my own techniques and along the way I found...

I am an actor and I'm looking to pack as much experience under my belt as possible and learning from strangers is a great way to do it. I'm willing to work with anyone and everyone, both watching and performing. I am naturally a very honest person, as will be my critiques and praise. I'll tell yo...

Hello hello! I’m a union actor based in Vancouver, Canada. I work in Standard American dialect, but other accents are available upon request. My training includes a one year Meisner program, ongoing Advanced Acting Classes and Scene Study Classes, as well as previous training spanning from...

*TWELVE callbacks + TWO BOOKINGS past 9 months (that I know of)! :D Congrats Bethany, Andrea, Kate, Aja, Amanda, Claude(x2), and me :p (x5), I'm proud of you!!!* Hey, I’m Renie! Rhymes with Jenny! I’m an on-camera SAG-AFTRA actress, VO performer, comedian, and graduate of the Advanced Improv Pro...

Besides his low deep voice, Jorge Sanchez is more well known as a visual effects compositor with Stargate Studios out of Atlanta, GA. Prior to beginning his career in visual effects, Jorge attended SCAD and the Art Institute of Atlanta where he gained experience for both technical knowledge, and ...

I love helping other actors get the best possible take! ____________________________________________________________________________________ Joshua has been working professionally in New York for nearly a decade. He found acting in his early teens while growing up in the foster care system. Hi...

Professional Actor and Voice Over Artist in film, TV, commercial, public speaking, voice over, plays, musicals, immersion theater, improv and stand-up comedy. Born and Raised in San Francisco with a love of theater, television and film. Harris actively works in Film, Commercials, Voice Over, Publ...


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Feel free to check out my reel on here to see if I fit the reader vibe you need! I'm a New York based actor. I can be a reader, a "coach", or both, it's all up to you! Born and raised in the ol' USA, so I have a natural American accent if that's your preference. I value timing and technical...