Masi Hasher

Reader Reviews

Hi I’m Masi (ma-see) and I would love to help you with your upcoming Audition.

I’ve attended Berg Studios Acting School in Los Angeles. Most recently I’ve trained at The Amy Reece Studio and with Commercial Classes Online's Laurie Records.

It would be my pleasure to help you run lines for class, auditions, or a self-tape. We can work together virtually and I can provide you with solid feedback, if you’d like.

Based in Los Angeles

Let's keep our session civil. Please do not send me scripts containing threatening, sexually explicit, or hateful lines. Hateful includes derogatory statements targeting individuals or specific groups; these may be based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or expression, age, and mental or physical ability. With regards to profanity, I can tolerate hearing curse words but, please do not expect me to say offensive language. Instead, I'll pick and choose words that may hold the same meaning.

Masi Hasher is an American actor born in Queens, New York. He started his career as an actor in San Antonio, Texas. Although he has appeared as a supporting actor in previous work, his time on screen has caught the attention of many viewers. His charm along with charisma is admirable. Occasionally Masi Hasher will perform in plays. The stage is where he started his career as an actor. He is very proud of his work on stage.

Commercial Representation PKA (Peter Kallinteris Agency) Email: | Editorial Representation FACES Talent & Model Agency Email:

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192 Reader Reviews

Credits Include

2023 [IMDB]
Miracle Workers
2018 [added]
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2017 [IMDB]
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